Food, Drink & Cold Storage,  Manufacturing

Cheese manufacturer, Norseland slice their energy bills with solar

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Norseland are on target to receive financial payback within less than 5 years with their new 518.52kWp renewable energy solution

In February 2024, Norseland made a significant stride towards sustainability by partnering with us to deliver a renewable energy solution capable of achieving substantial financial savings at their premises. With almost 2,000 solar panels installed across two rooftops, the impressive solar PV installation has, since its inception, made a tangible impact in reducing CO2 emissions by an incredible 56,726.91kg (July 2024). This remarkable achievement is equivalent to planting an impressive 3,432 new trees, showcasing the significant contribution to a cleaner and greener environment.

Norseland was founded in 1962 in Somerset, initially operating as The Ilchester Cheese Company. Today, the company specialises in manufacturing and distributing a diverse range of high-quality British and continental cheeses to the global market.


This solar PV installation uses Trina Solar solar panels, mounting kit supplied by K2 Systems, and module-optimised inverters from SolarEdge.

We can help you make similar financial savings with renewable energy

Harvest Green Developments look forward to supporting your business on your journey towards net zero, cheap energy and self-sufficiency. Check out our guide on how we build renewable energy systems here.


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