Logistics & Warehousing

Gregory Distribution driving forward with commercial solar energy

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Leading logistics company, Gregory Distribution embark on their net-zero journey with five solar arrays across four of their depots.

In an inspiring move towards sustainability, Gregory Distribution appointed Harvest Green Developments as their Renewable Energy Specialist in 2022 to explore the possibility of commercial solar energy across multiple depots in the South West of England. This strategic partnership marks the beginning of a transformative journey focused on reducing their carbon footprint and enhancing their operational sustainability. Together we have realised an impressive 1,608.27kW of commercial solar energy across four locations since 2022, with exciting future projects already in the pipeline.

Established in the South West in 1919, Gregory Distribution is one of the UK’s largest privately-owned transport firms, operating a diverse fleet nationwide. Their commitment to continuous improvement, creative solutions, and innovative business systems underpins their dedication to delivering commercial success for their customers.

The integration of commercial solar energy into their operations not only highlights Gregory Distribution’s awareness of their environmental responsibility but also demonstrates how businesses can lead by example in sustainability efforts. With these solar PV installation, the company is taking significant strides towards a greener supply chain and accountable business practices.

Twice the savings for Shepton Mallet

The first of Gregory Distribution’s commercial solar installations took place at the Shepton Mallet site, featuring solar arrays across rooftops of two separate buildings. The first array was energised in July 2022 and totals 115.83kW, which is expected to generate 107.99MWh of clean electricity each year. This output is equivalent to planting 1,156 trees annually, contributing to the saving of 25.16 tonnes of carbon emissions. A second array, totalling 51kW was completed in January 2024 on the Main Distribution Centre, which is projected to produce 46.8MWh annually. This is akin to planting 416 trees each year and creates an annual saving of 9.06 tonnes of carbon emissions. Together, the dual systems at Shepton Mallet marks an impactful commencement to their commercial solar energy initiative.

Fuelling Gregory Distribution’s sustainable aspirations with green energy at Shepton Mallet

Following the successful installations at Shepton Mallet, Gregory Distribution expanded their sustainability strategy to their Plymouth depot and once again engaged with us to design and deliver the third instalment of their ambitious commercial solar energy portfolio. Energised in February 2023, this PV system has a capacity of 85.68kW and is set to generate 66.85MWh of free electricity each year. Translating this figure, it means that an annual saving of 15.58 tonnes of carbon emissions can be achieved, similar to the environmental benefits of planting 715 trees per year. The introduction of renewable energy solutions at the Plymouth facility exemplifies Gregory Distribution’s desire to reduce their carbon impact while making significant environmentally-friendly improvements to their operational efficiency.

Shifting up a gear with solar added to Cullompton depot

In November 2023, we completed the construction of a fourth notable installation at Gregory Distribution’s depot at Cullompton, which boasts a remarkable capacity of 799.68kW. This large scale commercial solar energy array is expected to generate 772.26MWh of green electricity annually, resulting in an incredible reduction of 149.34 tonnes of carbon emissions. It would take the planting of 6,859 new trees each year to achieve the same results. By embracing and investing in commercial solar energy at their Cullompton facility, Gregory Distribution continues to solidify their role as a leader in sustainable logistics.

North Tawton facility delivers on sustainability promise

The final installation so far is located at North Tawton and was successfully switched on for the first time in March 2024. With an impressive output of 556.08kW, this array will generate 454.44MWh of clean energy each year, where most of it will be consumed by the facility’s energy-heavy operations. It will also save around 87.88 tonnes of carbon emissions annually, equalling the effect of planting 4,036 trees. Adding to the astounding efforts made at the other three sites, Gregory Distribution are perfectly demonstrating how seamless solar PV can be incorporated into everyday business activities.

Transporting a greener tomorrow

Incredibly, over four sites alone, this substantial solar portfolio adds up to an impressive total of 1,608.27kW, which will secure energy independence for Gregory Distribution by allowing the four depots to consume the 1,448.21MWh of free electricity generated by the solar panels each year. This commercial solar energy initiative has resulted in a combined an annual saving of 324.80 tonnes of carbon emissions, which would need to see almost 13,200 trees planted to offset the same amount of carbon. Such commendable achievements underscore the positive environmental impacts of incorporating commercial solar energy into logistics operations.

Using advanced technology to drive performance

The technology implemented across the four Gregory Distribution locations uses the latest in module-level optimisation via the inverters from SolarEdge, which provides real-time remote monitoring and reporting capabilities of solar panel performance. With the help of this advanced technology, it will be possible to identify faults and remedy solutions quickly, minimising interruptions to the valuable generation of the PV systems. Additionally, a total of 3,838 Tier 1 solar panels from Trina Solar have been used, known for their fantastic efficiency and reliability. The innovative mounting kit includes the BasicRail system from K2 Systems, designed to maximise roof space by accommodating skylights without compromising the integrity of the roof. Lastly, advanced metering technology has been integrated seamlessly into each installation for precise measurement of energy production, consumption, and export.

Safely buckling-up for the future

Since safety is a paramount pillar of Harvest Green Developments’ ethos, we designed and implemented the installation of permanent safety handrails into the overall commercial solar energy portfolio. Each of the four sites now benefits from the added improvement of safe access to roof level, which is essential for our teams to carry out maintenance activities that will continue to ensure the investment is generating as it should for years to come. This further demonstrates our commitment to ensuring performance excellence and safety throughout the lifecycle of every renewable energy system we undertake.

Exploring more electric dreams

Looking ahead, Gregory Distribution remains proactive in its drive to realise their sustainability strategy with renewable energy. They are actively exploring with Harvest Green Developments additional options to transform more sites with solar arrays and even enhancing their impressive portfolio with battery storage, which will perfectly complement their efforts made to date. This willingness to innovate illustrates the ongoing pursuit of expanding and continuing their commercial solar energy success.

Leading the charge with commercial solar energy

Gregory Distribution’s investment in commercial solar energy through strategic installations mark a critical step in their sustainability journey and highlight just how easy the transition to renewable energies can be. If your company is looking to drive its own carbon emissions down, boost its environmental credentials, and capitalise on energy savings, then we are on hand to support you on your journey to net-zero. Contact us today to start discussing your own commercial solar energy portfolio.



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