Food, Drink & Cold Storage

Halfpenny Green Wine Estate raise a glass to sustainability with commercial solar panels

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Wine producer, Halfpenny Green Wine Estate has proudly embarked on an ambitious journey toward sustainability with an investment into solar PV.

Partnering with Harvest Green Developments, the Estate has seen a 186.15kW installation of commercial solar panels across the rooftops of their facility in Stourbridge, adding to their existing 20kW setup. This significant leap into renewable energy demonstrates Halfpenny Green Wine Estate’s long-standing commitment to reducing its environmental impact and fostering a greener future.

This collaboration shows Halfpenny Green Wine Estate’s proactive approach to integrating eco-friendly practices into their wine producing operations. By harnessing the natural power of the sun, the Estate aims to substantially diminish its reliance on the national grid, contributing to a more sustainable world while maintaining its dedication to producing premium wines.

From dream to legacy

Founded over three decades ago by visionary farmer Martin Vickers, Halfpenny Green Wine Estate was born from a dream to establish a vineyard that could match the finest in Europe. What began as a modest 30 acre plot has since evolved into a fully-fledged family business, with Martin’s son, Clive, taking the reins in crafting exquisite wines and Clive’s wife, Lisa, leading the visitor experience through hr management of the Estate’s charming shop, restaurant, and tea rooms, drawing wine enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

Taking advantage of the UK’s unique climate, the vineyard successfully cultivates a variety of robust grape species, including Bacchus, Huxelrebe, Madeleine Angevine, Regent, Rondo, and Schönburger. This diversity allows for a consistent yield even amid unpredictable weather patterns. The winery, operational since 2005, produces between 50,000 and 60,000 bottles of award-winning wines each year, all sourced from grapes nurtured on their estate. Beyond on-site sales, these superb wines can be found in various farm shops and delicatessens across the region. Moreover, the winery extends its expertise by offering contract winemaking and bottling services to over 80 other vineyards in England and Wales, consistently earning accolades for their quality.

Bottling the savings with a quick return on investment

Energised in September 2023, the solar energy installation is projected to have a profound impact on the environment and the Estate’s operations. With the new commercial solar we anticipate that the site’s carbon emissions will be reduced by an impressive 32.62 tonnes each year, which is a commendable feat that underscores the Estate’s drive to deploy eco-friendly practices within their business. The solar PV system is expected to generate approximately 168.66MW of clean, free energy annually, and since the array is projected to be operational efficient for at least 25 years, this will offset an astonishing 815.50 tonnes of carbon emissions during its lifetime. Although, given the high-quality specification of the technology used within this solar PV installation, there is no doubt that it will continue producing clean electricity well beyond the standard 25 year expectancy.

The Estate’s calculated payback for this renewable energy investment stands at a swift 3.5 years, reinforcing the financial sustainability of such environmentally friendly initiatives. This transition to greener fuel sources will substantially lighten the burdening energy costs, by consuming almost all of the electricity generated by the commercial solar panels, as well as, reducing the dependency on the national grid for their supply. With such short payback periods available, renewable energy technologies, such as commercial solar panels and solar battery storage, make the most sense for UK businesses looking to make a significant contribution to their sustainability profile quickly.

Using the latest technology to boost efficiency

At the core of the solar PV installation is the high-quality, advanced technology that is purposefully specified in order to maximise the reliability, durability, and efficiency of the system during its expected lifetime and beyond. The 186.15kW array is made up of 438 Tier 1 solar panels, provided by the renowned worldwide module manufacturer, Trina Solar, whilst the inverters are supplied by SolarEdge and incorporates the latest in module-level optimisation technology. This advanced technology allows for individual monitoring of each solar panel, enabling swift identification and resolution of any technical issues, ensuring maximum operational efficiency.

Mounting kit designed by K2 Systems provides a secure attachment for the trapezoidal roofing sheets and safeguards the roof’s structure. Advanced metering solutions have been implemented to precisely measure the energy generated, consumed, and exported from the commercial solar panels, which further enhances operational transparency for Halfpenny Green Wine Estate.

More renewable energy to be uncorked in the future

The installation of commercial solar panels at Halfpenny Green Wine Estate marks a transformative step toward sustainability and showcases the Estate’s commitment to environmental responsibility. By embracing solar energy, the Estate not only strengthens its operational efficiency but also inspires others in the industry to pursue similar eco-friendly initiatives. With the successful energisation of their solar array, the Estate is now exploring ideas to expand with further solar projects and to complement the renewable energy infrastructure with battery storage options to further enhance their sustainability mission.

Looking to go green with commercial solar panels?

If you have been inspired by Halfpenny Green Wine Estate’s sustainability success and are interested in finding out how your business could benefit from commercial solar panels, contact us here at Harvest Green Developments, where our dedicated team will guide you through the many renewable energy options available.



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